1 September 2022

Bristol Data Science and Machine Learning Study Group

From September 2022, we will do hands- on projects, mainly a selection from Kaggle. You are welcome to suggest a project too!

This will be on top of our usual “bring your own topic” for discussion!

WhenEvery other Wednesdays, 18:30-20:30

Where: Ground Floor, DeskLodge House, 2 Redcliffe Way, Redcliffe, Bristol BS1 6NL

WhoAnyone interested in Data Science Machine Learning, from people who has no experience to most experienced practitioners, from start-up to established enterprise.

What: This is now a drop-in session for discussion. You are welcome to bring any questions / topics. With people having diversed experience, we hope to have a meaningful discussions together.

We look forward in seeing you soon!

Data science

Machine learning



Study group

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