Get On With It! Bring Your Own Project with optional social chat
04 Jun 2023, 3:30pm - 7:00pm
For many of us, the COVID situation means life’s still not back to normal.
Whatever your intentions were during the various lockdowns, if you now find yourself with a pile of unfinished or unstarted projects that you want to get through, look no further.
We’ve been running these free events on Zoom and Slack since April 2020.
Members have fed back that they get a much-needed productivity boost because, in coming to the session, they make sure they dedicate time to their projects. Read more here:
If there’s stuff you want to get started, finished or make progress on, but are struggling for motivation, join us! We’ll get together to share what we’re doing, cheer each other on and generally support each other to kick-start some momentum.
Here are some examples of things people have worked on in previous sessions:
- Writing blog posts
- Learning how to build a mobile app
- Sorting out Lego
- Photography projects
- Working on an online art gallery
- Preparing for a talk
- Decluttering
- Fixing a child’s broken electronic toy
- Putting up shelving
- Sewing projects
- Building mobile apps
- IoT projects with Raspberry Pi and Arduino
- Online tutorials
- Assembling a treadmill
- Painting by numbers
The session takes place on Zoom and Slack and the structure is as follows:
*** Optional: 3.30pm [Zoom]: Social chat (not work chat 😜). If you want to give the social a miss, join the call at 4pm. ***
4.00pm [Zoom]: Welcome from Ladies of Code.
4.05pm [Zoom]: Tell us what you want to work on today. Type it in the chat or switch on your video camera and talk about it 🙂
4.15pm [Slack]: Get working! Check in / get support on our dedicated Slack channel.
5.15pm [Slack]: Tea break.
5.30pm [Zoom]: Check back in on Zoom for show and tells / progress demos.
5.40pm [Slack]: Go back to working on your projects. Check in / get support on our dedicated Slack channel.
6.40pm [Zoom]: Check in on Zoom, show and tell/watch and listen!
7.00pm [Zoom]: Thanks, goodnight and keep up the good work!
- We will e-mail the Zoom link for this webinar to all attendees at 3.25pm on the day.
Make sure you have e-mails switched on for this group otherwise you won’t receive the link. Check your Meetup settings.