GirlGeek Dinners

Girl Geek Dinners is an informal organisation that promotes women in the information technology industry, with 64 established chapters in 23 countries The organization was founded in London,  by Sarah Lamb (née Blow), who realized how under-represented women are at information technology events after attending a Geek Dinner in 2005.

Chapters organise local events featuring both female and male speakers with mostly female attendees. As the name suggests, it is like a Geek Dinner but with one significant rule: men can only attend as invited guests of women, ensuring that women will never be outnumbered by men at events.

There are two chapters in the region, Bristol Girl Geek Dinners and Bath Girl Geek dinners, they are both hosted on our meetups so to keep abreast of the latest events please sign up on Bristol Girl Geek Dinners and Bath Girl Geek Dinners.

It will be great to see you all – as ever it’s women only to be a member of this group but men are welcome as an invitee of one of the members as a +1. It will be great to catch up with you all and see what great stuff they have going on.

For other regions please check out the main Girl Geek Dinners page on wikipedia.

We will share posts on upcoming events.

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