Workshop Wednesday
18 Sep 2024, 6:30pm - 9:00pm
All levels are welcome to come along and use the opportunity to study or to discuss careers or simply network.
We welcome our members who are our male allies along and also host the Python Dojo and Bristol Data Science and Machine Learning at the same event which you are welcome to join.
We shall be running other tutorials and are happy to give career guidance and introduce you to other supportive networks.
You are also welcome to just pop along and meet other people interested in tech or come along and work on a project in a safe area.
If you are just interested in considering a career in the industry and want to know more, are struggling to stay in, move up or return or any other questions, we are the group for you.
We have light snacks and drinks and love to have new members.
Always fine to just to pop along and say hi if you can’t spare a full evening – its a lovely welcoming group.
Also – this week John Neville will be doing a further talk with the Bristol Data Science and Machine learning group on how to get a job. Apologies for the late notice. From the previous one …
““Back to Work” – Job Hunting Data Science and AI sector
Join us for an evening focused on best practices for navigating the AI and ML jobs market. What to put in a CV (and what not), where to find jobs, how to prepare for the interview, and things to think about if making the jump from employed to freelance or contractor.
If you’ve got burning questions you’ve always wanted answered about getting started or getting ahead in the fast-paced IT jobs world, then now’s your chance!
Who should attend?
This isn’t a complete beginners session; we will assume you know what a CV is. Hopefully you already have one! This event will be how to tailor your CV and job hunting for the Data Science, Data Engineering, AI, ML or associated tech market. There will be no generic advice, everything is focused on this sector.
Hopefully you’ll walk away with a few new strategies to try, some useful advice you can put into practice right away, and a boost to your confidence!
Speaker: John N”
He says “I’ll focus this one on slightly different career stages.”