4 October 2024
Guest blog – New funding scheme to support international & industrial residencies now open
A new funding scheme has just launched to support international & industrial residencies. Offered by the EPSRC-funded
pro² network+, the new Residency Scheme will offer awards on a rolling basis to fund proposals within one of three categories:
⚙️ U.K.-Industry Residency: Available to researchers to gain first-hand experience of a U.K. industrial context through onsite placement, with awards up to a maximum of £5,000.
⚙️ U.K.-Overseas Residency: Staff from U.K. Universities can apply for funds to visit overseas institutions to strengthen their research and impact, with awards up to a maximum of £10,000.
⚙️ International-U.K. Residencies: International collaborators can spend up to three months hosted at a U.K. University, with awards up to a maximum of £10,000.
Visitors funded by the scheme will undertake world-leading, curiosity-driven research whilst building lasting partnerships with their hosts. The work will contribute directly towards developing new tools, techniques, processes or platforms that make it easier to replicate prototypes of digital devices.
Learn more and apply on our website.
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