30 June 2023
Bristol Equality Network
For those of you not yet a member of the Bristol Equality Network meeting we’ll give a quick summary of the census data from their last meeting. For more details on how to solve some of the DEI issues or join the group take a look at their page here.
An Overview of the Bristol Census Data
Bristol has a population of 472,500 (the fastest growing in E&W, raising by 10.3%) and 19% of this population is Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic.
- 30% of these are children
- 18% are of working age
- 6% are older people
The 43,700 students living in Bristol are included in this data.
The main message is that Bristol has an increasingly diverse population which is shown in the statistics from the last 3 censuses’.
- Poland, Somalia and India are the 3 most common countries of birth in Bristol for Minoritised Ethnic groups.
- Since the last census there have been new questions added regarding new ethnicity categories, improving the quality of these questions.
- 51% of this population identified as not religious (most of which was young people, older people were more likely to identify themselves as having a religion).
- There was a voluntary question surrounding sexual orientation where 85.5% of people in Bristol identified as heterosexual in Bristol and 6.1% LGB+ and a further 8.5% who didn’t answer.
- Furthermore, there was a voluntary question about gender identity to which 92.4% of people in Bristol said they identify with their gender they were assigned at birth, 0.83% identified as transgender and 6.7% of people didn’t answer.
- 17.2% of people in Bristol said that their mental or physical health impacted their day-to-day activities.
Which Census tool to use
Bristol Local Authority
- For Bristol Local Authority-level analysis of all key census topics use Bristol Census Dashboard
- For Bristol Local Authority level simple tables covering all key census topics use NOMIS Area Profile
Small area geographies
- For analysis of Bristol data for a selection of different small geographies use Bristol Census Data Profiles, which includes analysis for Wards, LSOA21, MSOA21, ICS Localities and Sub-localities, Parliamentary Constituencies, CIL/S106 Area Committees, Neighbourhood Planning Areas, Bristol City Centre, Bristol LA and West of England Combined Authority (WECA)
- For maps presenting Bristol data for a selection of different small geographies also use Bristol Census Data Profiles, which includes maps for Wards, LSOA21, MSOA21, ICS Localities and Sub-localities, Parliamentary Constituencies and CIL/S106 Area Committees
- For maps presenting Bristol and England and Wales data for small geographies use Census Maps, which includes maps for MSOA21 and Output Areas (smallest geography used for Census data)
- For a custom profile of an area use Custom Profiles. Select a local authority, ward or parliamentary constituency and build a custom profile to include your own selection of census topics. You can also draw your own area on a map or draw a catchment area around a location and save the area you have drawn to use again. Export your area profile as an image or spreadsheet (CSV) or add your profile to a website.
- Census 2021 ward level analysis is also available in Bristol Ward Profiles together with other ward level datasets
- For Census crosstabulations to download as tables go to Create a Custom Dataset. This is the main ONS site for accessing Census 2021 data for England and Wales. Includes the option to select bespoke crosstabulations for all topics at all geographical levels (eg ethnic group by age by sex)
- For Census data tables to download go to NOMIS. This includes all key topics (Topic Summaries) plus some cross-tabulations (Ready Made Tables) not available on the Create a Custom Dataset tool eg sexual orientation and gender identity statistics
For further information or guidance please contact research@bristol.gov.uk